Terms & Conditions

/ Téarmaí agus Coinníollacha


The following terms and conditions apply to all bookings with Coláiste Chonnacht. We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions. It will be necessary to check our website for updates.

The primary aim of our courses is to enable the students to achieve real progress in Irish in an atmosphere of relaxation and enjoyment. However, there are a few rules which have to be strictly, though fairly, enforced and we wish these to be brought to the students and parent’s attention before coming to the college, since contravention of any of these will result in expulsion from the course and forfeiture of fees.


Enrollment / Application

  • Applications will only be accepted upon receipt of a deposit payment of €250 to cover the booking deposit of €200 and a non-refundable administration fee of €50. Payments received via our website will be subject to a non- refundable online booking fee.
  • Student places are only secured pending receipt of approval, by separate email, following the submission of the booking application form.
  • The college reserves the right to cancel any application where relevant medical, dietary or gender specific information is not fully disclosed regarding a student.
  • Students must be able to self manage any health condition (s)/ allergies that they may have.
  • Coláiste Chonnacht reserves the right to deny registration of applicants suffering from serious illness or underlying health conditions. This is in the best interest and safety of the applicant student and other students.
  • The college reserves the right to limit the number of students from the same school and /or same geographical area wishing to enrol on the same course.
  • When the preferred course is almost full we will operate a waiting list to allocate final places and when cancellations occur. A deposit payment is required with all course applications to the waiting list. In the event that a place on a course does not arise or if you wish to leave the waiting list a full refund will be made. The online service fee is non-refundable.
  • Similarly, in cases where courses are fully subscribed, the applicant will be placed on a waiting list and notified via email if/ when a place becomes available.
  • In cases where planned capacity on a course is reduced, student places will be cancelled on a last-in / first-out basis.
  • If a guesthouse becomes unavailable prior to the commencement of the course, some or all of the students allocated to that house may lose their place on the course.


Course Fees

Fees for attendance on Summer 2025 courses are available on our website.

  • A booking deposit payment of €250 is required to secure places on all courses. Booking deposit breakdown:
    • Booking deposit - €200
    • Administration fee - €50
    • All online payments are subject to a non-refundable service fee.
  • Course fees do not include travel to/from Coláiste Chonnacht, course hoodies, shop, and any day trips during the course.
  • There is a €60 per student sibling discount on Courses A and B and a €50 sibling discount on Course C for students attending Coláiste Chonnacht in the same calendar year.
  • There is a €90 past pupil discount on Course B and a €70 past pupil discount on Course C for past pupils of Coláiste Chonnacht only. There is no discount for past pupils on Course A.
  • Scholarships & part scholarships are only valid for the for the current year’s courses. The value of any scholarship will be credited off the balance due, once Coláiste Chonnacht receive written confirmation of the scholarship.


Cancellation Policy

Course fees are comprised of preparation costs that are incurred in advance of courses and delivery costs that are incurred during courses. The preparation costs, or administration fee, covers those costs incurred by the college for the planning and coordination of summer courses. This administration fee is applied to each booking and is non-refundable for all registered bookings.

  • At least eight weeks’ notice in writing of any cancellation (including medical) must be given.
  • Refund of fees will only be considered on medical grounds and such applications for refunds must be accompanied by a medical certificate. Cancellations made on the basis of emergency medical conditions within the eight weeks before the commencement of a course will be reviewed on a case by case basis. The deposit is non-refundable in emergency medical cancellations. An administration fee of €50 is non-refundable in all cases.
  • An administration fee of €50 will apply to all cancellations.
  • No refunds will be made in the case of non-completion of course or in cases of dismissal from the course.


Special College Rules

The primary aim of our courses is to enable the students to achieve real progress in Irish in an atmosphere of relaxation and enjoyment. However, there are a few rules which have to be strictly, though fairly, enforced and we wish these to be brought to the students and parent’s attention before coming to the college, since contravention of any of these will result in expulsion from the course and forfeiture of fees.

  1. Students must speak Irish throughout the course.
  2. Smoking and/ or vaping are strictly forbidden.
  3. Entry into licensed premises or the consumption or possession of alcoholic drink or drugs at any time during the course is strictly forbidden.
  4. Students are not allowed to leave the jurisdiction of the college without special permission.
  5. Students may not be absent from guesthouses after 10pm without special permission.
  6. Serious company keeping is not allowed and it is left to the discretion of the Principal to deal with this sensibly in the best interest of students, parents and the college.
  7. Misbehaviour, verbal or physical intimidation, intentional or otherwise will not be tolerated. Students who cause serious disruption or who refuse to accept normal discipline will be expelled from the course.
  8. Students must adhere to Coláiste Chonnacht's Mobile Phone and Digital devices policy.


Mobile Phone Policy

  • Students are permitted to bring a mobile phone for contact with home. Coláiste Chonnacht and / or the host family accept no responsibility for loss, theft or damage to mobile phones brought by students.
  • Mobile phones are not permitted on the college campus and will be stored by the Bean an Tí.
  • Students will be granted restricted access to their mobile phone at night following evening activities for approximately 20 minutes.
  • Mobile phones are only to be used for contact with home at the designated time. Accessing social media is not permitted.
  • Any special exceptions to this must be arranged with the course principal in advance.
  • Students will not be given access to internet or wi-fi services in the host accommodation.
  • Digital photography is not permitted at any stage during the course. Laptops, tablets, gaming devices, digital cameras etc. are strictly forbidden and will be confiscated.

Infringements of the mobile phone policy will be dealt with by the course principal under the Special College Rules.


Photography / Digital Images

Coláiste Chonnacht may film and /or take photographs of students engaged in activities and events. Photographs / digital images may be published on our website, social media or course-related publications. Student names will not appear in captions to any pictures published on our website or social media accounts. Students and or parents / guardians may contact Coláiste Chonnacht to remove their image from the website and social media accounts.


Medical Illness / Allergies

Students who have a medical illness / allergy or have special dietary requirements must inform the college in writing upon application. Detailed information regarding the student’s needs must be provided in advance of the course.

All medical expenses are the responsibility of the parent / guardian. Parents are advised that it is in their interest to have Personal Accident Insurance.

Coláiste Chonnacht reserves the right to deny registration of applicants suffering from serious illness or underlying health conditions. This is in the best interest and safety of the applicant student and other students.

Coláiste Chonnacht adheres to public health advice in relation to infectious diseases or conditions  i.e Covid-19

Optional extras

Students may avail of the following optional extras during our courses (subject to availability):

  • Day trip to Aran Islands
  • Hoodie

While we hope to be in a position to offer the above activities, please note that some may not go ahead.